Happy Birthday!
These wonderful users of Solopia have a birthday today.
Gluegunner is now 22 years old.
CandyCanes is now 24 years old.
acentricSoul is now 19 years old.
Quintenzyl is now 21 years old.
Gamer_car is now 24 years old.
186lilly is now 24 years old.
Vespertea is now 24 years old.
Takaia is now 36 years old.
Kyariel is now 36 years old.
LovelyCaveDemon is now 21 years old.
kenai is now 21 years old.
DaemonicFae is now 29 years old.
hamsterturtle is now 24 years old.
Please report any errors you find here. Thank you.