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Happy Birthday!

These wonderful users of Solopia have a birthday today.

Suppression is now 28 years old.
ChubbySenpai is now 26 years old.
psyqualia is now 29 years old.
Petalite is now 21 years old.
Candycane is now 25 years old.
LeCookie is now 30 years old.
Paladin is now 34 years old.
zortolano is now 24 years old.
Skellykat is now 30 years old.
Arforzan is now 22 years old.
Dakotza is now 23 years old.
SalyaDarken is now 36 years old.
Juggy is now 18 years old.
AdorableKitten5 is now 29 years old.
HeartOfAWizard is now 18 years old.

Please report any errors you find here. Thank you.
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